Pajzsmirigy peroxidáz enzim és thyreoglobulin elleni autoantitestek előfordulása különböző pajzsmirigy betegségekben / Földes Iván, Lévay Annamária
Orvosi Hetilap 1994. 135. évf. 29. sz. p. 1579-1584
Pajzsmirigy peroxidáz enzim és thyreoglobulin elleni autoantitestek előfordulása különböző pajzsmirigy betegségekben
Szerző: Földes Iván, Lévay Annamária Megjelent: Orvosi Hetilap 1994. 135. évf. 29. sz. p. 1579-1584 |
Autoantibodies to thyroperoxidase (anti-TPOAb) and thyroglobulin (anti-TgAb) were measured in 564 patients with various thyroid disorders and in 59 healthy subjects using chemiluminometric immunoassay.
The frequency of elevated titers was 8.6 per cent in healthy subjects, 76.2 per cent patients with untreated hyperthyroidism and diffuse goiter, 80.7 per cent in patients with relapse of hyperthyroidism. 83.4 per cent of patient with hyperfunction changed spontaneously to hypothyroidism and 71.5 per cent of patients with hypothyroidism and goiter had antibodies above the normal range.
Unexpectedly low prevalence of autoantibodies were detected in patients with primary myxoedema without goiter (48.2 per cent) and in patients with endocrine ophthalmopathy and euthyroidism (33.2 per cent). In the subgroup of patients with hyperthyroidism under methimazole treatment we found an incidence of positivity of 56 per cent and the mean of positive values was lower compared with the untreated ones.
In 42.8 per cent of patients with hyperthyroidism and diffuse goiter treated successfully by methimazole, surgery or radioiodine elevated concentrations of antibodies could be detected, however they were in remission for more than five years. 197 (82.4 per cent) of the patients with positive antibody titers showed higher concentrations to peroxidase compared with thyroglobulin. 57.9 per cent of serum samples positive for anti-TPOAb were negative for anti-TgAb, whereas 9.4 per cent of samples positive for anti-TgAb were anti-TPOAb negative.
The diagnosis of thyroid autoimmunity could generally be based on measurement of anti-TPOAb with additional measurement of anti-TgAb in special cases.